本研究整併2008年至2017年之「A1、A2類交通事故調查表」,以及2007年至2017年之「全國酒駕取締資料」,並使用參數化存活分析的方法,來探討4次酒駕相關政策的修法與處分的懲罰效果對酒駕累犯的影響。4次修法時點分別在2008年1月、2011年12月、2013年3月以及6月。 實證結果發現酒駕政策重罰化會降低酒駕累犯再犯的機率,且4次修法都有達到政策效果。其中《刑法第185條之3》的修法成效相較於《道路交通管理懲罰條例第35條》更顯著減少酒駕累犯再犯。而懲罰效果方面,本研究顯示繳交罰款的處分最能有效嚇阻酒駕再犯的情形。另外,吊扣駕照與緩起訴之處分亦能發揮同樣的懲罰效果。但是犯罪次數越高的酒駕累犯越不受酒駕政策的約制。希望本文的研究結果能提供政府未來研擬酒駕政策之參考。 ;This study reorganizes the A1 and A2 Road Traffic Accident Investigation Report of National Policy from 2008 to 2017, and the National Drunk Driving Ban Data from 2007 to 2017. We used parametric survival analysis methods to examine four statutory changes and the punishment effect of the drunk driving penalties on the drunk driving recidivism. The four statutory changes were implemented in January 2008, December 2011, March 2013 and June 2013. The empirical results show that the heavy penalty of drunk driving policy will reduce the incidence of alcohol-involved traffic accidents in drunk driving recidivism, and all the four statutory changes have a very significant policy effect. The effects of the Article 185-3 of the Criminal Code is better than Article 35 of Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act. As for the effect of punishment, this study shows that the penalties for paying fines are the most effective in deterring drunk driving recidivism. Also, the same penalty effect can be applied to the suspension of the driver′s license and the prosecution. However, the drunk driving recidivism who have a high number of crimes is not affected by legal sanctions. Finally, I hope that this thesis can provide a reference for the government to develop a drunk driving policy in the future.