在現今資訊技術跳躍式成長的年代,隨著資訊爆炸,大量的商業模式出現,這使得原先的既有企業,不斷面對原先商業模是被取代,或是被迫轉型的危機,而面對這一情況,其中最受益將會是消費者,這些新型態的商業模式,帶給消費者更方便更便宜的方式,來讓顧客不再使用原先昂貴或是不方便的服務或是產品,相反的,這些新型的商業模式提供消費者更加具體且明確的價值主張並持續的改變顧客的生活。 其中的情況要怎麼清楚的解析,為何既有廠商會面臨這一破壞性的情境,由Christensen(1995)提出的破壞性創新理論即可解析企業環境所面臨狀況,Christensen認為企業可以藉由辨認廠商消費者,以及新進廠商與既有之間的競爭狀態,最後探討兩者的價值網路,便可知道整個破壞性創新的過程,透過這一過程的了解與解析,可以將企業所面臨的狀態剖面,使企業認知到自己再跟什麼樣的對手競爭。 本研究將這10年內出現最大的共享租乘公司,衝擊計程車行業並改變全球運輸市場的Uber公司作為研究個案,探討Uber推出的共享租乘的商業模式怎麼改變顧客的習慣,並帶來什樣衝擊使得原先的計程運輸服務業的商業模式無法做出回應。在研究的過程中,我們將聚焦兩個需要檢測的項目,其一該商業模式讓原先既有企業無法回應的點在於何處;其二和傳統的商業模式相比差異點在於何處。 ;In the modern age where information explodes every minute, every one has an easy access to all sorts of information . And now lot of firm in a dilemma. they can’t decide what to do face these crisis that hiding in shadow . It’s mean in this situation . Many firms are replaced by new-firms with different business mode. On the other hand consumer can get the most benefit , because those consumer will enjoy the benefits of innovation . However how to understand what is going on this crisis that those old firm facing .we can use theory offered by Christensen(1995).This theory known as disruptive innovation . And we can get to know the different news consumer through this theory. And we are trying to figure out different value net to understand how those company with disruptive innovation can fight against old firm . In our study , we use Uber as this study case , because Uber has been changing transportation market in the whole world . So there are definitely certain things or points that are worth a discussion among us.In this thesis will focus on two topics in Uber. The first topic is about Uber’s business model that was almost impossible for taxis to respond,to the other topic is what different Uber’s bussness model better than taxis.