本研究計畫之目的在於討論台灣民眾因應空氣污染防治的願付金額,研究方法將是透過民眾問卷調查方式進行資料收集,除了收集民眾因應空氣污染的行為模式相關資訊外,並將以假設性市場評價法來獲得民眾為降低空氣污染的願付價格,並透過計量經濟模型估算民眾的願付金額。此外,本研究亦將探討民眾對於空氣污染的防衛性支出問題。由於空氣污染的境外移入因素,將是國內政策無法控制或改變的因素,本研究將強調此一因素,進而瞭解民眾因應空氣污染的行為與其防制效益。本研究的主題與研究方式,在國內過去的經濟研究上則有所欠缺,本研究成果不但具學術意義,研究成果並可以供制定環境與能源政策的參考。 ;The purpose of this study is to investigate the willingness to pay for the mitigating of air pollution in Taiwan. The air pollution has become a series issue in Taiwan because its solution currently is in connection with the domestic energy generating as well as the air pollution coming from China. By using the household survey data collected from this study, our research will employ the contingent valuation method to derive monetary value of the willingness to pay for mitigating the air pollution. In addition, our work will estimate the defensive expenditures for the household in coping with the air pollution. Due to the few studies related to the economic valuation in Taiwan, our work has not only play the role for the academic research but also provide the quantify results for the design the suitable environmental and energy policy.