肺癌的標準治療為化療以及標靶藥物,然而根據病人的身體狀況,可以在使用化療藥物時同時也使用鉑化物。醫生在選擇治療方式時,一定會為病患選擇最適合的治療方式。從西元1995年開始,台灣就有全民健康保險。因為有全民健保的關係,台灣的病患可以用低廉的價格享受良好的醫療資源,因此在得到癌症後,大家都可獲得良好的治療。但因現今健保即將面臨破產的危機,在有限的資源中,我們必須有所取捨。在得到癌症時,醫生會盡可能地幫病患延長生命,然而每一種藥藥效不同,價格也不同。在這個情況下,根據不同病患的狀況,找出哪種藥物的藥效最好,且醫療花費沒那麼高的治療方式就相當的重要。而且在單一醫療項目支出過多也會排擠到其他疾病的健保補助。在過去的研究中,都是在探討哪一種藥物、哪一種治療方式對於病患的存活是最好的,因為人的生命都是無價的,忽略了醫療成本的部分,因此在本篇論文中,會使用層級分析法(AHP)結合醫療效果以及醫療成本做出一個指標去衡量不同的治療方式。;The standard treatments of lung cancer are chemotherapy and targeted drug. Depending on patients’ physical condition, doctors decide if they need to compound with Cisplatin or Carboplatin, when patients receive chemotherapy. When doctors make decision, they consider about which treatment can provide patients better surviving. Since 1995, Taiwan launch National Health Insurance. Because of it, Taiwanese can receive medical treatment in a low price. However, National Health Insurance is facing bankruptcy. Therefore, it is important to find which treatment provide good medical effect and low medical cost. Moreover, when it is subsided a lot in one disease, it edges out the others subsidies. In previous research, they focus on which treatment can provide high survival rate. They ignore the medical cost. In this thesis, we will use analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to combine medical effect and medical cost. In addition, we will form a score to evaluate each treatment under different situation.