本研究結合臺中市政府搬遷與房屋價格之議題,同時探討搬遷效果(Moving Effect):當市政府搬遷後,對新、舊市政府附近之住宅房屋價格是否有影響;以及所在地效果(Location Effect):距離新、舊市政府幾公里以上,附近之住宅房屋價格變動最為顯著。 針對搬遷效果使用差異中的差異(Difference-in-Difference:DID)模型,時間範圍為2005年與2011年,資料來源為中華民國內政部地政司的房地產交易價格;所在地效果加入縱橫資料(Panel Data),比較一般橫斷面資料的結果是否不同,時間範圍為2012年8月至2015年12月,並使用內政部不動產成交案件實際資料供應系統。此外,將所有房屋資料之道路地址,透過地理資訊圖資雲服務平臺全國門牌定位服務將資料轉成經緯度,利用地理資訊系統(QGIS),計算出與新、舊市政府的最短距離,進一步探討住宅與新、舊市政府之距離是否對房屋價格造成影響。 由實證結果可發現,在2005年市政府尚未搬遷還在動工階段時,住宅距離即將成為新市政府附近兩公里的價格比距離舊市政府附近兩公里的價格高了10.8%,在2011年市政府搬遷後比起2005年動工時,對於離舊市政府公里內的透天住,其房屋價格高了16.8%;而在搬遷市政府後,離新市政府2公里內的住宅價格比離舊市政府2公里內的住宅價格高了3.47%,雖然統計上不顯著,但預期符號符合推論。其中房屋價格最高的區間落在距離新市政府1至1.5公里的透天住宅,在此距離中之房屋價格比當作基準的距離新市政府4公里以上的房屋價格高了47.8%,代表民眾願意多花786.49萬住在這個區間,顯示民眾偏好距離新市政府開車約5分鐘或走路15分鐘的地段居住,享有鬧中取靜之環境。然而在住宅離舊市政府部份之實證結果未像新市政府如此明顯。 ;This research investigates the issues of Taichung City Hall’s location and moving effects on housing price. We first consider the moving from the old city hall to the new city hall during the year of 2005 and 2011. By using the hedonic price model and difference-in-difference method, our study focuses on the impacts of housing prices by the moving. Furthermore, this study also considers how the distance between the old city hall and the new city hall that affects the housing prices. Our research employed the panel data estimation method to consider the effects of unobserved variables. This research has two datasets that come from the Department of Land Administration and the Actual Price Registration System, which are conducted by the Minister of Interior. The contribution of this study is to adopt the QGIS to consider the individual housing location by the spatial analysis. Our empirical results found that the housing prices within 2 kilometers of the new city hall are higher than those at the same distance within the old city hall. The estimated differences are about 10.8%. After controlling the moving effects, the differences decrease to 3.47%. We also found that the housing prices are much higher while the location nears the new city hall. The estimates show that the consumers are willingness to pay 7.8 million more, or 47.8% higher, for those housing located within 1 to 1.5 KM at the new city hall.