第一次銷售原則是著作權法上重要的概念之一,它限縮了著作權人的散布權,讓著作物在第一次銷售之後得以自由流通,增加人們接觸資訊的機會與管道,無形間促進了知識的傳遞,進而有利著作權法鼓勵創新、提昇國家文化發展目標的達成。換言之,第一次銷售原則是著作權法權衡著作權人私益與公共利益之具體體現。在實體世界,第一次銷售原則的運作並無疑義,惟該原則在網路環境的適用卻產生以下問題:第一、多數國家拒絕將第一次銷售原則適用於網路環境;第二、由於數位著作物易於重製及散布的特性,著作權人為規避第一次銷售原則的適用,形式上以授權協議取代銷售,使得第一次銷售原則有逐漸被架空之疑慮。數位化時代以來無體著作物有無第一次銷售原則之適用一直被廣泛討論,目前國際上之現有法律規定或實務都偏向拒絕適用。然而著作權法鼓勵知識流通以及促進國家文化發展的核心精神並不會隨科技發展而改變,實不應以著作物係有體或無體區分第一次銷售原則適用與否。本文嘗試建立網路環境適用第一次銷售原則必要性的理論基礎,並提出修法建議,試圖突破第一次銷售原則在網路位環境適用的困境。就著作權人以授權取代銷售的所生之爭議,本文嘗試以區別二者性質的判斷標準為出發,再輔以著作權濫用原則,解決授權規避第一次銷售原則的問題。;The first sale doctrine is a legal concept playing an important role in copyright law. By limiting copyright owner’s distribution right, the doctrine makes copyrighted works be freely disposed, increasing opportunities and ways of accessing information for people, improving transfer of knowledge, and then facilitate to achieve the ultimate goal of copyright law that encourage creation and cultural development. That is, the first sale doctrine helps to balance the interests between copyright owner and the public. The first sale doctrine is well established in physical world, but there are some problems when the doctrine applies to cyberspace. First, the first sale doctrine does not apply to intangible works. Second, due to the ease with which digital works can be copied and distributed, copyright owners began to employ license agreement to replace the actual sale in order to circumvent the application of the first sale doctrine. Whether or not the first sale doctrine applies to cyberspace was well discussed over the past few years. According to the current rules and practices in the world, the answer is not. However, the spirit of copyright law which encourages creation and cultural development should not be changed due to the improvement of technology. Therefore, it is improper to exclude the intangible works from applying first sale doctrine merely base on its characteristics of intangible goods. One of aims of this research is trying to establish the necessity which first sale doctrine could apply to the intangible works, and solving the problem that the first sale doctrine does not apply to the intangible works in both architectural and legal methods. The other aim of this research is trying to establish a standard to identify the nature of license agreement is “license” or “sale”, and trying to apply copyright misuse doctrine to avoid copyrighted owners circumvent the application of the first sale doctrine via license agreement.