雖然本研究的回測結果為正報酬,但不代表『技術分析』為投資大眾的最佳策略,投資者仍需以個人的財務狀況與風險程度來建立個人最佳的投資方式才是最佳的投資策略。 ;Followed With the improvement of technology and transformation of transmitting information. The transaction mode in stock markets have a lots of difference compare to those days. Given the Rapid growth of public media, the reaction of stock market no longer goes as it used to be, and long-term investment of basic analysis is not the only option to investor anymore. As the result, the technique analysis and stock operation technique become major method for investor to invest in the stock market. The book ”way of the turtle”, mentioned that” any analysis method could bring the return for investor, however, the most important factor is the attitude of investor. In this research, we uses indicators, RSI, MACD and KD to test the result of technique analysis. Meanwhile, compare return in the strategy, operation of one indicator and two indicator, which sets absolute-stop point and which doesn’t. According to the research, the return in any investment strategy combine with absolute-stop mechanism always exceed the return which not set the stop point. Although the experiment outcome come up with positive return, it’s not means that the technique analysis is the best strategy for public investor. The best way for investor to invest depend on personal financial situation and individual risk attitude to investment