應用模組化設計手法(modular design method)可以使產品具有降低成本、縮短產品開發時間、提高產品設計品質及快速回應市場需求的優點。近年來,由於產品開發不再是由單一企業獨力作業,部分零組件是由產業鏈上眾多廠商所提供,若能與供應廠商緊密合作開發,則有助於產品協同設計、製程管理以及產品品質的提升。 本研究應用品質機能展開(Quality Function Deployment, QFD)分析顧客需求,定義顧客需求與產品設計規格之關係。透過QFD所分析的資料,採用設計結構矩陣(Design Structure Matrix )找出適合進行模組化之零組件,以建構產品基本架構。 近年來,由於資訊科技的快速進步,智慧型手持裝置的應用與現代生活習慣已經密不可分,但智慧型手機的發展已漸於趨緩,各家廠商無不努力找尋下一個成長動能,紛紛投入可穿戴式科技(Wearable Technology)產品開發之中,視其為下一個成長動能及趨勢。本研究以可穿戴裝置產品為例,在協同設計的環境中,以模組化設計手法為架構,應用QFD及DSM進行分析與說明。 ;The modular design method provides the advantages of cost reduction, shorting the product development time, design quality enhancement, and instant respond the customer needs. In recent years, the product is not developed by one company; some of components are supplied by the members of supply chain. Thus, cooperating with trading partners closely is helpful to collaborative product development, process management, and product quality. This study applies Quality Function Deployment (QFD) to analyze the customer needs, and define the relationship between customer needs and product’s design specification. According to the data of QFD, Design Structure Matrix (DSM) is applied to find the suitable components to modularize. Lately, due to the rapidly improvement of information technology, the smart mobile device plays an important role of our life. However, the development of smart phone is not rapid anymore. Each company makes great effort to find the next growth driver in the market. The wearable technology is the trend of these companies. This study will use the wearable technology as an example to analyze and demonstrate the application of QFD and DSM which use the modular design method in the collaborative design environment.