以創新活動為促進國家競爭力的世代下,各國政府面對著有限的研發資源條件時,應要如何配置研發配置,才能夠將有限的研發資源產生最大效益?本研究以OECD 國家為研究對象,採用製造業研發資源在17 個不同產業內的分配為基礎,解析一國內的研發資源分配是傾向於集中於特定產業(基於資源累積的規模經濟),還是分散在多數產業中呢(基於知識共享的優勢)?因此,本研究進一步將此研發資源分配的概念納入於跨國生產力研究中,把研發資源分配結構視為強化或減弱研發活動效益的機制,藉以捕捉不同研發資源配置分配是否能提升研發活動對於生產力成長的影響效果。 ; At the age of innovation activities in promoting national competitiveness, governances pursue the goal of obtaining the biggest advantage from innovation activities. That is, under the finite resource of R&D investment, how to design the allocation of the R&D investment across industries within the country in order to obtain the best benefit of R&D activities. This study investigates the trend in the distribution of R&D resources across industries using the dataset of the 17 ISIC industries in the manufacturing sector in OECD countries. Furthermore, we analyze the impact of the distribution of R&D resources on the cross countries difference in productivity growth. ; 研究期間 9708 ~ 9807