有鑑於網路購物市場之日漸發展,消費者消費型態有所改變,使得實體通路與虛擬通路間多有互動,故本文旨在建立一適當之理論模型,以探討實體通路與虛擬通路間競爭的情況,並進一步討論身處不同通路的廠商是否有跨入另一通路競爭的誘因。模型設定與比較部份,是利用Gayer and Shy(2003)的模型作為基本架構,探討在市場完全涵蓋與不完全涵蓋下虛擬通路與實體通路之競爭與整合。在結果方面,我們得出在市場完全涵蓋的情況下,不論是虛擬廠商或是實體廠商皆無誘因跨入另一通路競爭,這是由於市場完全涵蓋下,實體與虛擬通路彼此之需求會互相侵蝕之故;而在市場不完全涵蓋的情況下,我們得出迥異於市場完全涵蓋之結果,不論是虛擬廠商或是實體廠商皆樂於做虛實整合之決策,以獲取更大的市場份額及利潤。 The importance of the Internet as a marketplace has substantially grown over the past decade. More and more people buy from online store and are used to compare the price of the online shop with the traditional shop. So we wonder whether there’ll be more intensive competition in retail business. This paper provides a theoretical framework that analyzes the incentives for bricks-and-mortar firm and virtual firm to start a new store in the other channel. Besides, we also show the interaction between the two channels. Our results indicate that as long as the market is only partially-served , both of the bricks-and-mortar firm and the virtual firm have the incentives to start a new store in the other channel. Contrarily, when the market is fully-served, the dominant strategy of the two firms is both not to open a new store instead.