本研究探討對於製造商在合約政策下,提供零售商退貨政策時,此時具有市場獨佔性質之零售商如何在固定的銷售期限內,販售季節性商品(seasonal goods)的訂價及訂購之聯合決策問題。季節性商品隨著時間的消逝會有退化或老化之易腐性特質,由此其需求及顧客的主觀保留價格(reservation price)亦會隨之減少或降低。而在製造商提供零售商一退貨比例及退貨價格政策的保證下,零售商對於產品期初的訂價訂購及期間價格調整上更有彈性,藉由動態規劃的概念由後往前推求解,以求得零售商總利潤最大。 The purpose of this paper is to deal with how to make the joint decisions of price and order for selling seasonal goods by monopolistic retailer during fixed lifetime under the contract where the manufacture offers the return policy. Since the seasonal goods are perishable, the demand and reservation price of customer would decrease with time. However, the manufacture can offer the return policy in the contract. Therefore, the problem of preseason decisions on ordering and pricing can be realized. Moreover, we can use the stochastic dynamic programming model to get the maximum profit of the monopolistic retailer.